Pallet Conveyors can add value to your business in many ways and have a huge amount of benefits that can help you achieve your goals.  Here are 5 ways that this versatile system can add value to your business 

1 – Transport Palletised Goods

Moving palletised goods around the factory floor can be problematic. 

  • There are health and safety issues with the use of fork trucks.
  • Fork truck breakdowns can slow the process down
  • Products can be damaged while handling pallets on and off off the line 
  • There is also the small issue of productivity, a fork truck can only carry a certain weight and fork lift truck operators require breaks. 

Pallet Conveyors can solve all of these issues. By installing a Pallet Conveyor System your output can be more predictable. The system will transport palletised goods from A to B whilst reducing the amount of fork lift trucks on site. Not only will this improve site health and safety,Please select a valid form but it will minimise the amount of products damaged during the handling process.

Onsite Health & Safety can be further improved by creating distance between palletising operations and warehouse or despatch operations

Conveyor accumulation gives additional storage with pallets stored within the conveyor system meaning the efficiency of moving product around site is increased. 

Can integrate with other automated solutions including . . . .

2 –  Pallet Strapping

Are you currently strapping pallets manually by hand? This can be time consuming, Yes it only takes around a minute per pallet, but what about reducing that to seconds? meaning you can strap more pallets per minute, increasing your product output and streamlining the process. 

Using Pallet Conveyors you can automate the Pallet Strapping process, reducing the time it takes. The use of automation also reduces the amount of strap required and therefore amount of waste. 

The system will also standardise and optimise strap tension, leading to less product damage due to under / over-tension of the strap media

 3 – Pallet Wrapping

Manual pallet wrapping can mean a lot of wrap waste as well as increased risk of product damage. 

By installing the pallet conveyor system, pallet wrapping can be included in the process. the automated system will standardise and optimise the wrap tension. Meaning reduced product damage and reduced wrap waste saving you thousands of pounds throughout the year. 

The system reduces the need for manual processes which will increase the product throughput and increase your ability to forecast output more accurately. 

Finally there is the ability to program multiple wrap patterns to accommodate a variety of different types of loads. 

4 –  Pallet Lifting

Improve your pallet handling process times to mere seconds rather than minutes, even when transporting to multiple levels.

The totally automated process removes the need for an operator and minimises the amount of handling required. This can amount to saving £1,000’s per year.

A further boost to onsite health and safety, pallet lifting provides a reliable, careful and safe environment for pallets to be lifted.

5 –  Pallet Profile Checking

Pallet collapses can also be a big issue when products are damaged. With the Pallet Conveyor system, pallet profile checking means that the system will check the profile of the pallet as it passes down the conveyor, and rejecting pallets that don’t meet the stack criteria.  This reduces the number of pallet collapses and end user rejections due to pallet instability. 

Pallet profile checking also means that as each pallet is profiled, the system will maximise the number of pallets that can be transported (i.e. number of pallets per lorry). This minimises number of pallets collapses / rejects due to pallet stacks being too tall / short. 

You can, therefor make increased cost savings and have a higher success rate of deliveries being accepted by your customer. 

Each Pallet Conveyor system is made in house at Andrews Automation to your bespoke needs. We ensure that our system integrates with your current systems and works just as per your requirements. 

You can find out more about our Pallet Conveyors .